Mexico prohibits telephone companies from calling customers to offer promotions or packages


The rule indicates that companies that provide telecommunications services must refrain from making calls or sending text messages to consumers.

Resultado de imagen de Prohíben a telefónicas llamar a clientes para ofrecer promociones o paquetes"

Telephone companies such as Telcel, Telefónica México and AT&T must refrain from calling customers to offer promotions or packages, according to NOM 184.

Resultado de imagen de Prohíben a telefónicas llamar a clientes para ofrecer promociones o paquetes"

The rule indicates that companies that provide telecommunications services must refrain from making calls or texting consumers who provide telecommunications services, according to El Universal. 

“Promoting any type of telecommunications service in addition to the one already hired, package, new plan or product (own or third party), as well as third-party advertising, unless consumers express their express consent,” states the Federal Telecommunications Law and Broadcasting.

Resultado de imagen de Prohíben a telefónicas llamar a clientes para ofrecer promociones o paquetes"

In addition, competing companies, which are not the direct provider of the service, can make calls to mobile phone users, to avoid this, users can register their number in the Public Registry to Avoid Advertising (REPEP) of the Federal Consumer Prosecutor’s Office (Profeco)

Resultado de imagen de Prohíben a telefónicas llamar a clientes para ofrecer promociones o paquetes"

In November 2019, three reforms were approved so that advertising calls from a call center or banks can be avoided thanks to a modification to the law that regulates this type of telephone ‘services’.

Resultado de imagen de Prohíben a telefónicas llamar a clientes para ofrecer promociones o paquetes"

There are three approved reforms, which, according to the senators, seek the following: “Ensure the privacy of consumers of goods and services”, preventing them from receiving unsolicited calls and messages, and at the same time regulating the activities of the centers of calls or call centers, “which generate more 695,000 direct jobs”.

The Mazatlan Post