Goodbye PEMEX: ExxonMobil already sells imported gasoline of better quality in Mexico, and is also cheaper


ExxonMobil is the first foreign company that will operate in Mexico without the PEMEX infrastructure, and that means that it also becomes the first capable of selling exported fuels, leaving behind the obligation to market only the Magna and Premium of Petróleos Mexicanos.

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The company arrives under the name Mobil and will only sell products exported directly from its refinery in Texas, United States. The fuel will be imported to Mexico through the rail network and the first station is located on the Querétaro – San Luis Potosí highway, but Mobil says there are plans to have up to 50 new stations in operation in the Bajio region for the first quarter. of 2018.

Source: internet

Mobil Synergy Supreme +, Mobil Synergy Extra and Mobil Synergy Diesel fuels are sold, which exceed the standards of Mexico offering, in addition to the basics, a better engine cleaning avoiding carbonization and passing, optimizing the fuel consumption of the engines.

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These stations, operated by Grupo Orsan, will have periodic check-ups to ensure the good qualities of the fuel and also to verify the vending pumps, ensuring that the amount of fuel for which it was paid at all times is delivered.

The prices of these new fuels are not far from those offered by PEMEX in Mexico and are in fact cheaper; The Extra is sold at 16.22 pesos per liter, Supreme + is priced at $ 17.92 / L, two cents below PEMEX Magna and Premium, respectively.

Which brand of gasoline is the best in Mexico?

If you don’t know whether to buy at Pemex, Shell, Chevron, Repsol, or any of the brands that sell fuel in Mexico, this information could help you.

Brands can only add 165 parts per million additive per liter.  (Special)

With the energy reform and the opening in the commercialization of fuels in Mexico, the sale of gasoline and diesel was allowed by brands other than that of Petróleos Mexicanos ( Pemex ), which came with different services and additive proposals. Here we tell you if there is any difference between them.

According to Álvaro Vallejo, director of Oil & Gas at SGS Mexico, brands differ by the additives that add their fuel . Each of them has its own formulas and they do it internally, however, there is no way of knowing what they are adding.

“Yes there are benefits, mainly in cleaning, since they have detergents that help to clean the engine and injectors, so in the long term there can be a better performance in the fuel,” he said.

Long term benefits

However, these benefits are imperceptible to a customer in one, two or three loads of fuel, until after a few years.

Additionally, it is necessary to consider the habits of each driver, the maintenance that is given to the vehicle, based on the time or mileage parameters determined by the shipowners.

“If you do not change the filters, the engine is gradually damaged and there are many factors that intervene so that an engine can prevail in the best conditions over the longest possible time. There are many additives that help, but the owner has to do his part for this to be achieved, ”Álvaro Vallejo said.

No differences between one and the other

The Energy Regulatory Commission ( CRE ) has the Official Mexican Standard (NOM) 016 in which it states that only 165 parts per million additives can be added per liter. It is the limit that companies have to add to each of the fuels that it sells.

“The more addictive tender is not really going to generate greater benefits, it has a limit. Both Pemex and competitors’ gasoline are regulated and each one has in greater proportion certain additives, depending on the characteristic that it wants to give to its fuels; some may be higher yield, others greater cleaning, or less pollutant, everything is differentiation to market their products in some way better ”

The specialist explained that it is not really that they have a big difference from one another and it could be concluded that each gasoline has its additives , but in general they are in the same parameter.

On October 2018, the company Petro Oil conducted an analysis of 8 different brands of gasoline to determine their yields or benefits, mainly in sulfur and octane. All complied with NOM 016 and despite the differentiation that one has from another in additives, the results of the study are that there were differences, but not as marked.

The director of Oil & Gas at SGS Mexico said regarding this study that in sulfur measurements all comply with the NOM, even some are below the established, which translates into less pollution and corrosion for the engines, while for octane in regular gasoline, that is, those of 87 octane, reached up to 88.2 octane.

“The result of this analysis found that the results are so similar that there is no such differentiation between one brand and another.”

How to save gas?

Álvaro Vallejo in order to have fuel savings to give recurrent maintenance to the vehicles for proper operation, avoid accelerating and braking abruptly, as well as checking that the tires are properly calibrated.

Source:, milenio

The Mazatlan Post