In Pachuca Hidalgo, the incidence of students who are not picked up by their parents or guardians at the end of the class schedule is high.

HIDALGO.- Infants who study in Pachuca and are not picked up on time by their parents or guardians after the end of classes will be transferred by elements of the Ministry of Public Safety, Traffic and Roads to the Municipal Attorney’s Office for the Protection of Girls, Children, Teens, and the Family.

This is established by the Protocol of action of children and adolescents not collected on time at the end of the school schedule approved on October 17 by the members of the municipality of Pachuca.

The opinion endorsed by the committees of the Interior, Band, Regulations and Circulars; as well as Childhood and Youth, it establishes criteria for educational institutions and the general population to guarantee the care of infants when they leave their learning centers.

Before the activation of the protocol, each school together with the parents must implement a School Coexistence Manual in which the tolerance time is established to pick up the infants once they leave class, to later disseminate it at the beginning of the cycles school children

In case of non-compliance, it will be the faculty of each educational institution to report the abandonment of the infants by telephone to the Secretary of Security of Pachuca, although the complaint can also be filed by any person anonymously.

According to the protocol, this security unit through its Crime Prevention Directorate will be the first contact authority that will verify that a report is true.

If the complaint is real, the infant will be transferred to the Municipal Attorney’s Office for the Protection of Girls, Children, Adolescents and the Family attached to the Pachuca DIF to begin the search for family networks, perform a medical evaluation and rule out violence against the infant.

Numeral 17 of the Protocol establishes that once the mother, father or guardian was located, a commitment letter will be signed so that the minor can go to psychological assessment, only if necessary, a fact that in turn must be notified to the Secretariat of Hidalgo Public Education (SEPH).

If recidivism is detected, the Municipal Attorney General’s Office will initiate an investigation folder. Said Protocol shall enter into force one day after its publication in the Official Newspaper of the State of Hidalgo (POEH).

In this regard, the governor Ruth Guadalupe García Cordero, member of the commission of Children and Youth of the municipality of Pachuca, said that schools located in the upper neighborhoods such as La Raza and Cubitos have an impact where the parents of Family delay in picking up their children when they leave class.

They could be in a temporary abandonment because they do not pick them up in time, which can go from 15 minutes to hours (…) that can lead to trauma in children ».

According to the Assemblyman, the State Department of Education has the obligation to protect infants only during school hours, while the Integral Family Development (DIF) is not authorized to enter public institutions, so with The implementation of the Protocol seeks to meet the best interests of minors.

Source: expreso.press, sillarota

The Mazatlan Post