There could be 400 more infected by Coronavirus in Mexico


The patient could have infected more people for their work and INER employees say they were exposed to infection due to lack of protocols against Covid-19

Although the authorities of the Ministry of Health have insisted that the three cases confirmed by Covid-19 coronavirus are under control and isolated, at the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (INER) workers, doctors and nurses are concerned because they believe that the situation can be more complicated.

They detail that the patient was in the medical emergency area of ​​the INER, more than 24 hours. Then he was placed on the second floor in a restricted room and about 250 meters from him, in pediatric emergencies his family, his three children, and his wife were hospitalized to apply the coronavirus tests.

The patient Ángel Octavio was transferred past 7 pm to the isolation pavilion 4, so that employees of the institute provided Grupo Imagen with a letter in which they denounced two situations; the first one says verbatim:

The already confirmed patient, who serves in a small restaurant in Mexico City, may have infected more people at his work, we are unaware of its location. ”

According to his entry interview, he said he had a food business where he had contact with about 400 people.

INER workers are worried and demand that sanitary safety measures be taken immediately and the population is informed, on the other hand, in the letter they denounced that:

At the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases in his emergency department at 1:30 p.m., the patient Ángel Octavio is still there and although he is restricted, he is not isolated, the emergency department is connected to the outpatient clinic that treats cancer patients, asthma , COPD, nose, ear, among others, there is also a way out from the back ”.

In this area there are two isolated rooms, the patient of Covid-19, occupies one of them, but has no negative pressure (double door) and is very small. To hospitalize infected patients, it has Hall 4 with isolates that if it has negative pressure, but there are only 6 rooms like that. What will happen if more patients arrive? “, The document details. 

The workers point out that in this hospital where no stimulation wwere applied with Covid-19, the confirmation that Mr. Ángel Octavio was the first case in Mexico, took them unemployed and thus claimed the lack of application of a protocol that exposed them to contagion 

To us as an intendancy, they did not say that there will be no mouth covers of N95, that although we enter with the patient ”, claimed one of the employees.

Employees also point out the lack of clear action measures such as those implemented 10 years ago with the Influenza virus.

How will post-mortem routes be handled in case of death? Where will the patient in the emergency room go to hall 4? How is the pediatric patient going to happen? They questioned. 

Imagen Noticias was able to verify that, until Friday afternoon, few workers and patients inside the had mouth covers or were oriented on this situation.


The Mazatlan Post