Francisco Ricardo Flores has received serious death threats since he created a hydrogen engine against pollution, reports a crazy medium from the Jalisco State.

Can you imagine being able to replace the fossil fuels that make Mexico City submerged in a contaminant cream? Well, the project called “Hydrogen engine from water” seeks that motor vehicle that uses gasoline, diesel or LP gas run on 100 percent hydrogen, which would reduce polluting emissions
Ricardo Flores Rodríguez, a student of the ninth semester of Mechatronic Engineering of the Hispanic Campus of the University of the Valley of Mexico (UVM), has been working on the design and improvement of the engine for four years. Today, its creation has a progress greater than 80 percent.
In an interview for SinEmbargo, the young man said that the idea arose after realizing the pollution that afflicts our country, especially the capital: “We are in a city where you cannot breathe clean air.
“The most important aspect is environmental pollution due to the use of fossil fuels. My intention is to distribute the engine so that people can acquire it in a shopping center, which is very simple to place in the vehicle so that we can all have savings and take care of our environment, ”he said.
He added that in the future, the world must find alternatives to replace oil, gas, and coal; that is, fossil fuels.
“These generate CO2, which contributes to global warming. Energy sources that replace fossil fuels should be cleaner and should not produce more pollution or climate changes. As an additional advantage, these fuels should be substances that are easily located and that, ideally, constitute renewable sources of energy.
But what are these energy sources? The answer is the element we have on earth: hydrogen, ”explained the student. Likewise, he said, the phenomenon by which it is achieved is called hydrolysis. He explained that an electrolytic cell separates the molecules from water, oxygen, and hydrogen, which is how it is composed.
“These molecules that we capture in gas, after being separated, go through a tank they reach and give power to the vehicle’s engine, which makes it work 100 percent with hydrogen as fuel and, as a parallel project, a saving system of fuel in the range of 40 to 60 percent, ”he added. Currently, Flores Rodríguez is in the process of patenting his “hydrogen engine from water”, which will cost approximately 20 thousand Mexican pesos.
The young Mexican said that they are trying to store hydrogen and ensure that it can be used in the internal combustion engine, to reduce pollution levels. All the vehicle fleet that works with normal engines can do it with hydrogen or simply have the option of adapting the hydrogen system to diesel cars because, in addition to having a better performance, it will reduce costs for saving gasoline.
All cars that run on diesel engines can be incorporated with the hydrogen system so that they have better performance and reduce costs by saving gasoline, because according to the engineering student the device helped save up to 20 per percent of total gasoline use and significantly decreased pollutant emissions.
Flores said that tests have already been carried out on his project and through these, it was possible to obtain pure hydrogen: “we managed to simulate the burner of a stove to show that no fossil fuel is needed, only electricity and water to, for example, heat your food on the stove that would be practically pure water and electricity. ”
The second test that Ricardo Flores carried out was with a taxi that uses common water and gasoline, and that has been running since 2014. He developed the fuel-saving system that converts water into hydrogen, which the engine uses to improve its performance, the institution said.
The result, according to the creator, was that the device helped save up to 20 percent of the total use of gasoline and therefore the emission of pollutants into the environment, decreased. In addition, the vehicle had reduced vibration and engine noise, reduced combustion odors that escape through the exhaust, improved the car’s response when accelerating, and the engine warmed less.
The prototype has the main benefit of helping to have a maximum savings of 20 percent in gasoline consumption, according to the testimony of the taxi driver. “It is estimated that this system could work on vehicles with larger gasoline engines, as well as the possibility of working with diesel engines and probably those that work with LP gas,” said Flores, who said the unit is constantly monitored with In order to observe your performance.
It was known that the chilling threats jeopardize the life of Ricardo Flores and his relatives if he continues with the project, which is why the messages being consistent have decided to take the evidence to the police authorities investigating the criminal organization behind these messages.
At the moment it is known that they have had several officers in charge of the Investigator’s security, while the authorities are carrying out the investigation
The Mazatlan Post