Mexico needs 2,000 doctors to attend the coronavirus emergency


The goal of the health authorities is that all patients who have to be hospitalized by COVID-19 have the necessary coverage from a “specialized and committed” team.

The Mexican government reiterated this Thursday its call to all health specialists, including specialized doctors and nurses, to combat the coronavirus pandemic

“This relaunch of the call to join efforts is focused on specialist personnel, we need those who are trained in patient management, especially those who require ventilatory support, that is, intubation,” said Alejandro Svarch, head of national medical coordination of the Institute of Health for Well-being (Insabi). We want to summon all the doctors and nurses to get involved in the care of this pathology (COVID-19), the call is for help

Svarch explained that thousands of health professionals have already been hired, and many of them have been sent to different hospitals in different states of the Republic, now that phase 2 of hospital retraining has begun for several days.

“At the moment, we have 6,249 general practitioners; 438 medical specialists; 8,925 licensed nurses; about 6,000 technical nurses; and 84 specialist nurses ”, explained the Insabi official. “The disease requires hospital treatment in some cases, we must be prepared for the (patients) that will come to us,” he added.

The required person is around 2,000 doctors, nurses and other specialties (Photo: UNAM)
The required person is around 2,000 doctors, nurses and other specialties (Photo: UNAM)

But, due to the structural deficit of human resources in the health sector in Mexico, beyond the hiring already carried out, “about 2,000 more doctors are required to register for the call

Svarch noted that 231 specialist doctors have already left for different parts of the country. ” We sent eight internists to Coahuila, to Nutrition about 10 intensive care nurses and to ISSSTE (Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers) about 100 specialist nurses,” he listed.

However, the deficit is not just Insabi. “It exists in all the institutions, including the ISSSTE, the IMSS (Mexican Institute of Social Security), the Sedena (Secretariat of National Defense) the Semar (Secretary of the Navy),” he explained.

The call is still open and the Mexican government's health officials trust in the spirit of solidarity of the workers in the sector (Photo: Insabi)
The call is still open and the Mexican government’s health officials trust in the spirit of solidarity of the workers in the sector

The big problem, warned the official, is, in addition to the structural deficit of human resources, the “severe” distribution problem. “Mexico City has five times more doctors than Tuxtla (the capital of Chiapas),” Svarch exemplified. “But Tuxtla also has four times more doctors than Las Margaritas,” in the same entity, he stressed. Given this, we carried out a campaign that from the beginning tried to be disruptive, in the sense that it tries to summon the spirit of solidarity present in all doctors and nurses, to the rescue of health, taking them to where they need it most

The goal, he concluded, is that all patients requiring care have the coverage of a committed team and with the level of specialization required to combat the coronavirus. “Reach all patients who have COVID-19,” he concluded.

To register for the call, you can access the website of the Wellness Doctors program here and start the registration with your personal data. And here you can see the instructions .

Covid-19 en México: sube a 2,785 el número de casos y a 141 el de ...

And it is that in Mexico the number of cases of people infected by COVID-19 increased to 2,785 confirmed patients, according to the Ministry of Health (SSa) and 141 deaths.

In the already habitual evening press conference in the National Palace, the director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health, José Luis Alomía, reported that the total number of confirmed cases rose to 2,785  while the number of suspects increased to 7,526 and 15,099 are the suspects.

José Luis Alomía, general director of Epidemiology, stated that the greatest accumulated burden of disease continues in Mexico City, the State of Mexico, Jalisco, Puebla, and Nuevo León. However, the number of cases compared to a population base shows that the highest incidence rate is in the states of Aguascalientes and Quintana Roo.


The Mazatlan Post