The first film grossed $ 677.7 million worldwide and featured Rachel McAdams and Tilda Swinton in its remarkable cast.
Xochitl Gomez will delve into Marvel stories thanks to “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”, the film that will follow “Doctor Strange” (2016) and in which the young Latin actress will share scenes with Benedict Cumberbatch.

The portal Deadline said today that Gómez, a teenager of Mexican descent who has launched his career thanks to Netflix series such as “The Baby-Sitters Club” or “Gentefied”, will join the cast of this film that will have Sam Raimi as director.
Scott Derrickson, who already directed the first film about Doctor Strange, was also going to lead this sequel, but in early January he announced that he was leaving the project.
“Marvel and I have mutually decided to part ways on ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ due to creative differences. I am grateful for our collaboration and will remain (on the film) as executive producer,” he said at the time.
Raimi was chosen as his replacement and thus will return to the superhero cinema in which he already directed the trilogy about Spider-Man that starred Tobey Maguire: “Spider-Man” (2002), “Spider-Man 2” (2004) and “Spider -Man 3 “(2007).
Benedict Cumberbatch will return in this sequel to play Doctor Strange, a wizard with amazing powers belonging to Marvel stories. The first film grossed $ 677.7 million worldwide and featured Rachel McAdams, Mads Mikkelsen and Tilda Swinton in its remarkable cast.
One of the most stimulating novelties of “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”, whose premiere is scheduled for March 2022, is that it will be the first approach to the horror genre within Marvel films. In this sense, Raimi seems a wise choice as a director, since his filmography highlights horror classics such as “The Evil Dead” (1981).

Along with Cumberbatch and Gomez, the participation in this new film by Elizabeth Olsen is also confirmed, who in Marvel stories plays Scarlet Witch; and Benedict Wong, who takes over the character of Wong.
The fans seem to agree with the choice and want to see Xochitl Gomez as America Chavez. Although an official confirmation of the study is still missing and Doctor Strange 2 will not arrive until 2022, the followers already imagine what Gomez would look like in the skin of the superheroine. Among them, the artist ApexForm shared a fan-art in which we can see what the actress would look like in the America Chavez costume