Over 57,000 flood victims due to rains in Tabasco


So far there are 57 thousand victims, one dead and one missing in 370 communities, to which are added road mudslides

The intense rains do not give truce in Tabasco, the recent rains aggravated the conditions of hundreds of inhabitants who were affected in recent days by the floods, so that so far there is a record of 57 thousand victims, one dead and one missing in 370 communities , to which road landslides are added.

The balance of the hydrometeorological emergency in the entity is not only caused by the rains, but also by the extraction of 950 cubic meters per second of water by the Peñitas dam.

According to the State Civil Protection Institute, it confirmed the death of a man in the Boquerón ranch in the Centro municipality; while another person is missing after falling into the river in the municipality of Nacajuca.

The latest report of the National Water Commission (Conagua), details that the Pichucalco, La Sierra, Tulijá, Puxcatán and Grijalva rivers are above their critical scale.

Meanwhile, the high level of the tributaries caused the formation of fords, one of approximately 300 meters in length is the one located on the Villahermosa-Reforma highway at the height of the Río Viejo ranchería.

Source: excelsior.com.mx, tabascohoy.com

Tabasco Post