Andrés Manuel López Obrador celebrates his second anniversary as president of Mexico this December 1
This Tuesday, December 1, the federal administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador celebrates two years of government, before this, the most visible detractors of the fourth transformation expressed their differences with the Tabasco politician.
First, 24 hours before the anniversary, the National Anti-AMLO Front (FRENAAA) made a publication on its social networks in which it pointed out that there is a new majority, which is growing and urged that more people join.
In addition to this, he attached a video in which he boasted the numbers of the contingents that have protested against the head of the federal executive and requested his departure from the presidency.
They also tagged the most relevant members: Pedro Ferriz de Con, a journalist who has collaborated with different media; “ Tumbaburross ”, a very active character on social networks; and Gilberto Lozano, the businessman from Nuevo León and founder of FRENAAA.
Then, on the morning of the first day of December, Sí por México, a citizen organization headed by businessmen Claudio X. González and Gustavo de Hoyos, assured that two years after the AMLO government there is a setback in several indicators of the National Development Plan (PND).
To support its assertion the citizen organization, to which the PRI, PAN and PRD joined, attached a comparative study that specifies the setbacks and advances of the three previous administrations in terms of the ability to meet their own goals.
The political parties defeated in 2018 joined Sí por México
The document assures that the current PND has had a complete advance of 6%, a partial advance in 38%, without advance 14%, and a decline in 42 percent.
In the same document, Sí por México ensures that with Vicente Fox, from the PAN, there was an advance of 16% and a decline of 9 percent. With Felipe Calderón, also from the Blue and Whites, there was a 12% decline and a 15 percent advance. And with Enrique Peña Nieto there was a decline of 7% and an advance of 18% according to their indicators.
Finally, the Federalist Alliance opened a thread on Twitter to express its point of view regarding the federal administration, the challenges that lie ahead, and its way of reconciling in the face of the refusals they have received from López Obrador.
“Two years after the Government of Mexico, the balance is one of undeniable crisis and challenges ahead; however, in the AF we reiterate our willingness to work together. We cannot continue in endless lawsuits when Mexico demands seriousness, solutions and unity ”, they opened the thread.
The Federalist Alliance asked to make transparent processes for the acquisition of the vaccine against COVID-19 (Photo: Twitter / @AFederalista)
The so-called rebel governors named themselves those responsible for the “life and prosperity of more than 120 million Mexicans,” despite the fact that only 10 of the 32 states of Mexico govern, not counting that the two most populated (Ciudad de México and Estado de México), do not belong to the Federalist Alliance.
“We can no longer afford to postpone the growth of our people due to differences and disparate criteria that prevent us from looking forward; on our shoulders is the life and prosperity of more than 120 million Mexicans”, Abounded in their publication.
However, they insisted on a call for coordination and cooperation between the federal and local governments for Mexico to prosper. Among the challenges, they pointed out is the health, economic, and social crisis that increased the arrival of COVID-19 in the republic.
To close their statement, they used a baseball metaphor in which they urged AMLO to move from “Bunch of crises to the administration of solutions”.Citizen President, it’s your turn to bat