Acapulco, Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Taxco begins 2021 with high hotel occupancy


The port of Acapulco generally reached 47.9 percent, while, by zones, the Diamond exceeded 52.4, the Dorada the 47.9 and the Nautical or Traditional with 32.1 percentage units

At the beginning of the year 2021, the general hotel occupancy in the tourist destinations that make up the Triángulo del Sol reached 50.4 percent, reported the state Secretary of Tourism.

Statistics for this Friday indicate that the port of Acapulco generally reached 47.9 percent, while, by zones, the Diamond exceeded 52.4, the Dorada 47.9 and the Nautical or Traditional with 32.1 percentage units.

The Ixtapa Zihuatanejo beach binomial surpassed 58 percent in hotel room rents on January 1, while, separately, Ixtapa reached 59.5 and Zihuatanejo with 50.4 percentage units.

Estable presencia de turistas en fin de año en Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo -  Periódico Novedades

The silver city of Taxco de Alarcón reached 40.1 percent hotel occupancy, and the arrival of more walkers is expected this weekend, who will enjoy the attractions that this magical town offers.

Taxco de Alarcón - Prestamos y Créditos Personales en Guerrero, México.

Occupancy in condominiums by zones in Acapulco, remained in La Diamante at 73 percent, while in La Dorada it exceeded 68 percentage units.

The timeshare for Ixtapa Zihuatanejo is 28 percent and Acapulco remained with 24 percentage units.


The Guerrero Post