This Monday, January 4th, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that older adults from marginalized areas will be the second to receive the coronavirus vaccine after medical personnel is immunized, for which he announced the formation of 10,000 vaccination brigades.
The Ministry of Health reported that the country reached 1 million 466,590 infections and 128,822 deaths of people sick with COVID-19 in the more than 10 months that the pandemic has lasted.The Ministry of Health reported that Mexico reached 1 million 466,590 infections and 128,822 deaths of people sick with COVID-19.
The report presented tonight indicates that between this Monday and Tuesday 11,271 positive cases and 1,065 deaths were added due to the coronavirus.
While hospitals house 20,916 people infected with the virus, 16,306 in general beds and 4,610 in those for serious patients.

This Monday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that older adults from marginalized areas will be the second to receive the coronavirus vaccine after medical personnel is immunized, for which he announced the formation of 10,000 vaccination brigades.
López Obrador acknowledged that although so far the Pfizer pharmaceutical company has complied with the delivery of the vaccines, it will depend on whether the doses continue to arrive in the country to achieve in a matter of weeks the purpose of immunizing more than 12 million older adults.
“We are already working on that plan, but we are going to depend on the availability of vaccines and steps are also being taken so that the agreements we have with pharmaceutical companies are fulfilled,” he explained in his morning conference.
The Valley of Mexico, the epicenter of the pandemic, is experiencing an over-demand for recharges and oxygen tanks that have resulted in high prices and fraud, in view of this the Government of Mexico City has enabled free recharging points since the end of December in the Iztapalapa and Gustavo A. Madero mayors and this Monday he announced that more will be enabled in the coming days.

The Federal Consumer Prosecutor (Profeco), Ricardo Sheffield Padilla, said this Monday that there is no shortage of medical oxygen in the country and, on the contrary, there is sufficient production.
“There is no shortage of oxygen, nor can there be. There is competition and abundant production ”, affirmed the head of Profeco in the framework of a visit he made to the plant in the municipality of San Miguel Xoxtla, Puebla of Grupo Infra.
According to information collected by Profeco, the refill of a portable 682-liter oxygen cylinder is $ 208.00 pesos, while a large 10,000-liter cylinder is worth $ 895.00. In 2020, the increase in the price of oxygen was 4.5%.
“These prices should be a reference for the consumer since they apply throughout the country,” Profeco said in a statement.

The Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, indicated that they have identified that the prices of refills and tanks have increased up to 20 times, which he considered an abuse.
Source: Excelsior