Mexico illegal migrant crackdown 5,688 foreigners detained in 4 days


  • 3 thousand 645 adults; 1,843 traveled in family units, of which 680 are minors. In addition, 200 were unaccompanied children.
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  • The 10 countries with the most detained migrants are Honduras, Cuba, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, and Haiti

The National Migration Institute (INM) of the Ministry of the Interior detains 5,688 foreign migrants in the last four days.

These are foreigners from 36 nations who traveled alone, in groups, or in family nuclei through the national territory in an irregular condition.

Many of them were located between April 21 and 24 in safe houses, trailer boxes, cattle trailers, or hidden in overcrowded bus compartments or truck cabins, without ventilation, water, and food.

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Other people, on foot in the desert, the mountains, or on highway shoulders after being robbed, injured, or abandoned by alleged ‘guides’ or ‘polleros’ in their attempt to reach the northern border of the country.

Of the 5 thousand 688, 3 thousand 645 are men and women of legal age who traveled alone; 1,163 adults accompanying 680 minors, and 200 unaccompanied children.

The 10 nationalities with the largest number of migrants detained by elements of Grupo Beta or Federal Migration Agents (AFM), in tasks coordinated with a local or national corporation are:

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Honduras, with 1,060; Cuba, 942; Guatemala, 906; Nicaragua, 629; El Salvador, 474; Columbia, 469; Venezuela, 395; Peru, 153; Ecuador, 112, and Haiti, with 91.

Also, there is a registry of foreigners alone or in small groups made up of one to eight people by nationality, such as:

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belize, Uganda, Serbia, Mali, Argentina, Nigeria, Bolivia, France, Costa Rica, Egypt, Bolivia, Armenia, Jamaica, Tajikistan, Nepal, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Romania, Eritrea, Panama, China, Yemen, Chile, Pakistan, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Hungary, Somalia, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan.

The INM endorses its commitment to safe, orderly, and regular migration, with full respect and safeguarding the rights of those who are in the context of mobility through Mexican territory, without detriment to their economic, political or social condition.

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May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'GOBERNACIÓN I.'M Bosnia Herzegovina, Belice, Uganda, Serbia, Malí, Argentina, Nigeria, Bolivia, Francia, Costa Rica, Egipto, Bolivia, Armenia, Jamaica, Tayikistán, Nepal, Costa Marfil, Kazajistán, Rumania, Eritrea, Panamá, China, Chile, Pakistán, República Dominicana, Ghana, Hungría, Somalia, Bangladés, Kirguistán Azerbaiyán. El INM refrenda su compromiso por una migración segura, ordenada regular, con pleno respeto salvaguarda los derechos de quienes se encuentran en contexto de movilidad por territorio mexicano, sin menoscabo de su condición económica, política social. …--0..0ooo-. 2022 Magón Flores'


Mexico Daily Post