The government of Mexico has been slow to take strict measures against the coronavirus, and now its president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, called on people to get out of the house.

“Don’t stop going out. We are still in the first phase of COVID-19, I will tell you when you shouldn’t go out. Keep taking the family to eat, to the restaurants, to hotels, because that is to strengthen the family economy, the popular economy … We do nothing good if we paralyze without rhyme or reason, in an exaggerated way,” said the president.

In Mexico, the World Health Organization has recorded 367 cases and 3 deaths.

“We are going to continue doing normal life. And in due course, the President is going to tell you when to stay home, but not yet. With healthy distance, we can continue to live together,” and he stressed that in all of Oaxaca, there are only two cases of coronavirus.

“It may affect us and the problem may escalate, but we are prepared and we are going to move forward,” he emphasized.

Mexico already suspended, as of this Monday, all activities in museums, theaters, cinemas and archaeological zones of the country.

Until now, the Mexican government had not taken strict measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus, unlike other countries in Latin America where mandatory quarantines and curfews were imposed. The closure of the border agreed with the United States had been the only concrete measure.

In the country, given the laxity of the national government in the face of the threat of the new virus, several companies began to send their workers home on their own and canceled summits and events. In addition, the soccer league suspended its meetings.

Source el universal

The Mazatlan Post

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