Westerdam Cruise ship arrives in Puerto Vallarta today with 680 onboard


680 crew without any passengers on board will arrive in Puerto Vallarta March 30th

Although the final destination was the port of Juneau, Alaska, the shipping company determined to send it to this port, a tourist attraction in Jalisco and Mexico.

Jalisco.- The Westerdam cruise ship belonging to Holland American Line is about to arrive in Puerto Vallarta with 680 crew members on board and without any tourists.

Before entering international waters, they were reviewed by the United States Coast Guard, so none of its 680 crew members are suspected of Covid-19 coronavirus. Also, that they will not go down to the Port, they will remain on the ship for the duration of the contingency.

Puerto Vallarta cruise terminal, cruise lines and ships

The maritime terminal of this port will have 3 cruise ships since the Westerdam will join the Norwegian Joy and Eurodam from the same company, a presence that exists in the face of a health emergency.

The Westerdam, set sail on March 2 from Manila, in the Philippine Islands, which before the massive cancellation of cruises in Asia by Covid-19 left without passengers.

Although the final destination was the port of Juneau, Alaska, the shipping company determined to send it to this port, a tourist attraction in Jalisco and Mexico.

It is known that he made a 24-hour layover decided to send him to Puerto Vallarta, in Honolulu, Hawaii, to resupply himself. You have been sailing this cruise for a month without being in commercial service.

Holland American Line’s urgency to maintain the ship in Puerto Vallarta is for the crew to rest and maintain the ship.

Cruise Ship Arrival Suspended

In mid-March, the Mexican Association of Cruises reported that arrivals of
tourist cruises the following 5 weeks before the coronavirus pandemic.

According to the Association, the Covid-19 is generating a severe impact, which had not been seen in the history of nautical tourism in the Mexican Pacific.

José Arturo Musi Ganem, president of the Mexican Cruise Association, pointed out that currently vessels that are already en route, which upon returning to the ports of origin no longer set sail.

It was contemplated that at the beginning of April Mexico will no longer receive any tourist ships in the ports of Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlán or Puerto Vallarta

Source: elsoldepuebla.com.mx, vallartaopinaenlinea.com, jalisco.quadratin.com.mx, reanayarit.com

The Mazatlan Post