“Two Travelers In Mexico” Stopped by immigration in Mexico (video)


By Two Travelers In Mexico

Riding a bus you aren’t exempt from an immigration stop. In this video, we talk about why it’s important to have your residency card\visitor visa with you at all times. Mexico immigration authorities can stop a bus and do a search of the passengers.


Article 55. Mexicans and foreigners must comply with the requirements demanded by the Law, this Regulation, and the other applicable legal provisions to enter and leave the national territory.

The entry or exit of the national territory must be carried out through the places destined for the international transit of persons, within the hours established for that purpose, and with the intervention of the immigration authorities.

Article 56. Mexicans who request entry into the national territory at the points intended for the international transit of persons must submit to the immigration authority any of the documents provided for in Article 36 of the Law.

When the interested party lacks documentary evidence to prove Mexican nationality, he must make a statement under oath to tell the truth and provide any objective element of conviction in order to prove it. The foregoing shall be recorded in the corresponding minutes.

Article 57. The Institute, exclusively, will review the documentation presented by foreign persons at the time of requesting their regular admission to the national territory, to verify compliance with the requirements established in article 37 of the Law, as well as the validity and validity of the same, and determine their admission to the national territory or rejection to the country of origin or the country where they are admissible.

Article 58. The immigration authority must verify that Mexicans and foreigners meet the requirements set forth by the Law, this Regulation and other applicable legal provisions, to authorize their entry into the national territory.

In the event that Mexicans and foreigners meet the entry requirements, the immigration authority will proceed to authorize their entry into the national territory.

Every hospitalization of persons must be stated and registered in the manner provided by the Institute for such purpose.

Article 59. The immigration authority, in the immigration review filter, will issue an immigration document to foreigners who meet the internment requirements, according to the type of visa that has been authorized or that corresponds in cases of suppression of visa. When foreign persons are holders of a current immigration document, statistical information will be collected in the manner determined in the general administrative provisions issued by the Institute and which will be published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

For the conditions of stay that merit a visitor or resident card, as the case may be, a period of thirty calendar days will be authorized for the foreign person to go within said period to the corresponding Institute procedures office and request the exchange. of the migratory document delivered in the revision filter by the card that accredits your stay condition.

Article 60. To authorize the internment of foreign persons, the immigration authority, in the review filter, in case of doubt, may corroborate the requirements indicated below:

I.       Passport or identity and travel document that is valid in accordance with international law and, where appropriate, visa or immigration document;

II.      Information and personal data that are required;

III.    Reason for the trip;

IV.     Place of usual residence or origin;

V.       Address and length of stay in the national territory;

SAW.     In your case, name, denomination or business name and address of the natural or legal person who will employ or invite you;

VII.    Activities to which he is dedicated in his country or place of origin and those that he will carry out in the national territory;

VII.  The means of subsistence during their stay in the national territory, except in the case of foreigners who carry a Mexican visa, and

IX.     The transport you will use to make your departure.

In the event that the immigration authority notices that the foreign person does not meet the entry requirements, there is a migration alert, finds inconsistencies in the information, or lack of authenticity or veracity of the documents presented, the person will be sent to a second revision.

The migratory authority will carry out the second revision of the passenger and will determine his admission to the national territory or rejection to the place of origin or to the place where he is admissible, and must justify and justify his decision.

During the second review, the foreign person may state what is appropriate to his or her right and present the means of proof that he or she deems appropriate, which must be assessed and analyzed by the immigration authority in order to resolve the internment or rejection in accordance with the law and will be informed about the possibility of contacting your consulate during the period of the second review.

In the cases of persons who, at the time of requesting their admission to the national territory, claim to be Mexican and the immigration authority has sufficient elements to presume the lack of authenticity of the documentation they exhibit or in the elements they provide to prove Mexican nationality , you should determine what is conducive with the elements you have at your fingertips. The second review may not exceed four hours.

The immigration authority will have the same term for the case of foreign persons subject to second review, which may only be extended at the express request of the foreign person or their consular representative. In no case may the term be greater than twenty-four hours.

Article 61 . For the authorization of the condition of stay of a visitor without permission to carry out paid activities, the immigration authority of the immigration review filter may request that the reason for travel or economic solvency be verified to cover the amount of accommodation and maintenance expenses during the stay. stay of the foreign person in the national territory in accordance with the provisions of the general administrative provisions issued by the Secretariat and which will be published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

Article 62. Foreigners who do not comply with any internment requirement will be referred to a second review. In the case of foreign persons who are located in any of the cases provided for in article 63 of this Regulation, the immigration authority, within a period not exceeding four hours from the date the foreign person was sent for second review, will carry out carry out the following procedure:

I.       Will interview the foreign person;

II.      It will draw up a record stating the basis, reasons and documents that are taken into account to authorize the internment of the foreign person;

III.    It will channel to the migratory station the foreign person who is in any of the cases provided for in section I of article 63 of this Regulation, to unburden the corresponding procedure, and

IV.     It will issue a migratory document in the condition of stay of visitor for humanitarian reasons to foreigners who are located in the hypotheses provided for in sections II, III and IV of article 63 of this Regulation, or, at the written request of the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs, while the decision is made to grant or not political asylum under the terms of the applicable legislation.

          The authorized temporality will be up to one hundred and eighty days as necessary, derived from the appearance of the foreign person or the documents exhibited for the internment.

Article 63. The immigration authority may authorize for humanitarian reasons through a duly founded and motivated admission certificate, the entry of foreign persons who do not meet any of the admission requirements and are located in any of the following cases:

I.       Being an applicant for refugee status, political asylum or requiring the initiation of a stateless determination procedure;

II.      For public interest, to the foreign person whose internment is required to support relief or rescue actions in emergency or disaster situations in the national territory;

III.    For humanitarian reasons, to the foreign person who, due to risk to their own health or life, or due to their vulnerability, cannot be returned to their country of origin, or cannot continue with their trip, or

IV.     Due to force majeure, to the foreign person on board aircraft or vessels in international transit, and that due to technical contingency or weather conditions, require entering and staying in the country until the reestablishment or improvement of said conditions.

The foregoing in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 62 of this Regulation.

In these cases, the internment certificate must be based on the appearance of the foreign person, documents from public or private institutions and prior consultation on the migration control lists, or on the general administrative provisions that have been issued by the Secretariat. and published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

Article 64. The immigration authority must immediately inform the General Coordination of the Mexican Commission for Refugee Aid of the cases of foreign persons referred to in section III of article 62 of this Regulation.

In the event that the General Coordination of the Mexican Commission for Refugee Aid reports to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs considering that it is a possible case of political asylum, the latter will initiate the corresponding procedure in the terms of the applicable legislation.

Article 65. The Institute will reject the internment of foreign persons when they do not meet the requirements established in sections I and II of article 37 or are located in any of the cases indicated in article 43, except in the cases provided for in article 42. , all of the Law.

Article 66. Mexicans and foreigners who intend to leave the national territory and who are not in any of the cases of article 48 of the Law, must show the passport or identity and travel document that is valid in accordance with the migratory authority. to international law. In addition, in the case of foreigners, the immigration document that proves their regular immigration status in the national territory, except as provided in article 54 of these Regulations.

Article 67. The Institute will inspect the means of transportation to verify the information that is presented to them regarding the people who travel on board them.

Article 68. The international health service has priority to inspect maritime, air and land transport that enter or leave the national territory.

In the case of maritime internment, the Institute will inspect the vessels once the competent health authority grants free pratique, understanding free pratique as the authorization granted to a vessel or aircraft to enter a port and after landing, respectively, in order to that disembarkation and the operations that this entails can proceed.

The Institute will comply with the extraordinary actions in matters of general health issued by the General Health Council and the Ministry of Health, in their respective spheres of competence.

Article 69. The Institute will not inspect the official aircraft of foreign governments and those of international organizations that enter the national territory, in accordance with the laws, treaties and international agreements to which the Mexican State is a Party.

The officials of said governments or organizations, their families and employees, and those persons who are on board the aircraft and who enjoy immunities must show a non-ordinary passport or identity and travel document recognized by the Mexican State and a non-ordinary visa. In the event that there is no visa suppression agreement or unilateral declaration by the Mexican State, they will only comply with the statistical requirements and will not be granted a condition of stay in the national territory.

People who are on board the aircraft and who do not enjoy immunities must show a passport or identity and travel document recognized by the Mexican State and a visa, in the event that there is no visa suppression agreement or unilateral declaration by the Mexican State. , and will be documented in the corresponding stay condition.

Article 70. In terms of the provisions of article 81 of the Law, the Federal Police will only act at the express request of the Institute, without implying that they can independently carry out immigration control, verification and review functions. In these actions, the authorities must respect the principles established in article 22 of the Law.

Article 71. To comply with article 81 of the Law, the Institute will request the following from the commanders of the aerodromes:

I.       Timely information in writing or electronic means about the arrival and departure of any aircraft, provided that it comes from abroad or goes to another country;

II.      Refrain from authorizing the departure of aircraft bound for another country until the pilots fully certify that the migratory documentation of crew members and passengers has been reviewed by the Institute, and

III.    Immediately notify the Institute of all flight cancellations.

Article 72. In order to comply with article 81 of the Law, the port captaincies, as authorities dependent on the Ministry of Communications and Transportation that have the jurisdiction and powers indicated by the Law of Navigation and Maritime Commerce and its Regulations, must submit the Institute the electronic notice of arrival of private recreational and sports boats, when they come from abroad and before their departure from the national territory, so that the immigration authority can carry out the corresponding inspection.

Honorary marine delegates, such as persons empowered by the maritime authority to carry out the functions indicated in the Maritime Navigation and Commerce Law, must send the Institute the electronic notice of arrival and departure of private recreational and sports vessels that use its services.

The arrival notice will be sent to the Institute from the moment they are aware of the arrival of the vessel and the departure notice at least eight hours in advance.

Article 73. Aircraft pilots and vessel captains who intend to leave the national territory must obtain authorization from the Institute.

The commanders of international airports will not authorize the departure of aircraft from the national territory until the Institute has carried out the migratory review of the people on board.

The captains of ports authorized for high-seas navigation will not authorize the departure of vessels from the national territory until the Institute has carried out the migratory inspection of Law.

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