Migrant caravan in Chiapas rejects the program of 110 dollars per month in exchange for their repatriation.


Members of the migrant caravan have rejected their integration into the economic support program, which consists of the delivery of 110 dollars per month, promised by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in exchange for being returned to their countries of origin.

The foreigners, who this Wednesday walked 16 kilometers from Huixtla to the municipality of Villa Comaltitlán, in the southern region of Chiapas, pointed out that this new form of retention by the Mexican government will only generate more discord among those who have requested free transit permits through the country, as they now feel deceived by being offered money and then deported.

Wilmer Guemes, a Venezuelan citizen traveling in the caravan with his young son, explained that they had to cross more than eight countries to reach Mexico, and under no circumstances will they accept returning to the place they had to flee due to precarious conditions and the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro.

“If President López Obrador’s government has money to give to migrants, then they should implement programs that help us work or subsist here in Mexico, because if we find a job opportunity, we stay here and do not need to look for the United States, but they should not try to deceive us in that way,” he added.

The members of the so-called “Migrant Way of the Cross 2024” denounced that the National Institute of Migration (INM) implements strategies to retain them at the southern border of Mexico, and now that they are marching in a caravan, they are hunting down those who lag behind on the road and no longer have the energy to continue walking.

The contingent also includes Colombian and Ecuadorian citizens, who have recently been integrated into this migration policy that foresees the mass deportation of foreigners on Mexican territory.

The South Americans in route have affirmed to Latinus that they are not willing to negotiate their return to their countries of origin, nor to receive economic support that conditions their stay or transit through Mexico.

Source: Latinus