First Festival Marca Chiapas 2024.


With the aim of continuing to support local entrepreneurs, artisans, and producers, as well as showcasing the name of the region around the world, the Marca Chiapas 2024 Festival is announced, taking place in San Cristóbal de las Casas. This five-day event, set to occur from July 1st to 5th, aims to improve the quality of life for communities, generate employment opportunities, and open doors for all.

During these five days, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of programmed events. From July 1st to 4th, activities such as the Marca Chiapas Congress at the Daniel Zebadúa Theater, conferences, and lectures will take place. Additionally, the Mazariegos House will host the Expo Marca Chiapas and the Seventh Business Encounter, where local Chiapanecan products will be showcased to national and international buyers.

Within the festival framework, book presentations and pictorial exhibitions will be held at the MUSAC, as well as two closed-door competitions: the Barism Championship and the Gastronomy Competition. From July 2nd to 5th, a Digital Bootcamp will take place at the Daniel Zebadúa Theater, aiming to innovate local small and medium-sized businesses. The Carmen Convention Center will also host the First Meeting of Territorial Brands.

For tourism enthusiasts, there will be a “Coleta” walking tour starting from the central plaza kiosk. Furthermore, a textile and amber jewelry runway show will take place. The festival is expected to attract visitors from various regions, including El Salvador, Colombia, Miami, Nuevo León, Coahuila, Yucatán, Oaxaca, Mexico City, Puebla, and Aguascalientes.

To obtain more information on the program, locations, and schedules, interested individuals can visit the official website at

Source: Press Release