Mega operation in Chiapas; Tzotzil gang cells dismantled and drug dealing combated


An operation by the Army, the National Guard, and the Pakal Immediate Force and Reaction Group (FRIP) of the State Police, in neighborhoods where Tzotzil gang members operate, who have kept the local population and national and foreign visitors in fear since 2015, is taking place this Sunday.

In the early hours of this Sunday, hundreds of members of the Army, the National Guard, and the State Police took over several neighborhoods where Tzotzil gang members operate, who are dedicated to drug dealing in established stores in various parts of the town, as well as in markets, where all kinds of narcotics, electronic cigarettes, pipes, and other products can be purchased.

As part of the operations, the State Police are conducting searches in businesses established in the José Castillo Tielemans market, where they could sell narcotics, while several suspicious men have been intercepted in the vicinity of the supply center located in the historic center of the city, to perform routine checks.

Some Tzotzils expressed their satisfaction with the operation, but were upset by the arrest of some men, among them, minors, who were subjected to a routine check. “We don’t sell anything bad here.” “The operations are good, but sometimes they (the police) go too far,” said a merchant whose business was searched.

The searches were carried out in the 11 Cuartos neighborhood and in other places, in mechanics’ shops where used car parts of all brands are sold.

At these points, the Attorney General of Chiapas and the Secretary of Public Security, Jorge Luis Llaven and Oscar Aparicio Avendaño, lead the searches in businesses dedicated to the sale of used parts for vehicles, where dozens of engines, dismantled vehicles and countless parts such as gears, doors, hoods, tires, rims and others were found.

Reporters were able to see that in the operations up to a dozen men were arrested, allegedly linked to organizations dedicated to the theft of vehicles and dismantling of units. In other points of the city, several Tzotzils have been arrested in possession of drugs and firearms.

At 7:00 p.m., authorities will announce the results of this operation against Tzotzil gang cells that maintained control of the city, with executions of adversaries, shootings and confrontations at various points. In addition, surveillance cameras were deactivated at various points in the city, which were maintained by criminal groups operating in the city, as part of the control of their activities.

Governor Eduardo Ramírez Aguilar announced the operations that were carried out against alleged criminals operating in the city, where the combined groups gave “hard blows against criminal groups that kept the tranquility and security of families at risk,” he said on social media and announced that in the municipality of Mapastepec, security cameras maintained by criminal groups were dismantled.

Mega operativo en San Cristóbal. Foto: Especial

During the administration of Mayor Marco Antonio Cancino (2015-2018), riot organizations were created to maintain control of public markets and squares, which later became several cells, which in addition to fighting for control of commercial spaces, are also fighting over the sale of narcotics, motorcycle theft, assaults and other illegal businesses.

Source: eluniversal