Check the price of Gasoline in Mexico today March 4, 2020


The national average price for gasoline: Magna, Premium and Diesel

This Wednesday, January 4, the price of gasoline is maintained as follows:

Today Magna gasoline is sold at 19.54 pesos, the Premium 20.48 and the Diesel at 21.95 pesos

These are the prices in some of the states of the country.

Average price of gasoline in MEXICO CITY – CDMX today

Magna 20.41

Premium 21.38

Diesel 21.1

Average gas price in SINALOA today

Magna 19.93

Premium 21.56

Diesel 21.47

Average price of gasoline in CHIAPAS today

Magna 19.21

Premium 19.85

Diesel 20.76

Average price of gasoline in NUEVO LEÓN today

Magna 19.8

Premium 21.18

Diesel 21.2

Average gasoline price in BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE today

Magna 18.51

Premium 20.17

Diesel 20.32

Average gasoline price in Yucatan

Magna 19.64

Premium 20.01

Diesel 20.82

If you are interested in consulting the price of gasoline by state of the Republic ENTER THIS SITE AND CHOOSE YOUR ENTITY

The Mazatlan Post