New tourism law seeks to provide better service to visitors in Chiapas


Technical Secretary of Cocotur considered that the entrepreneurs could be recovered in December 2021 or in his case in 2022

San Cristóbal de Las Casas.- Francisco Martinez Pedrero, Technical Secretary of the Tourist Advisory Council (Cocotur) of the Secretariat of Tourism in the state of Chiapas, they hope that next week, the occupation will reach a capacity of 60 percent, this by the recommendations due to the pandemic, “although if it were not for that we would reach 100 because people are desperate and seek to be distracted”

In an interview, he assured that service providers around the world were affected by the pandemic, and this impact is a negative economic chain from the global to the local level, so it is important that it be reactivated responsibly and with all measures.

“The Secretary of Tourism has had a good time having a new Tourism law that is being implemented through forums in the five main points of the state that are Palenque, Comitán, San Cristóbal, Tapachula, and Tuxtla Gutiérrez, which service providers are analyzing for the new law that will be in force for the state of Chiapas, with this we will be able to provide better services and more quality to all visitors who come to Chiapas ”, he highlighted.

Creation of CIET, State Identification Card for Tourism; that confirms the authorization by the government of the state of Chiapas, for the development of activities inherent to tourism in its jurisdiction.

CIET Platform: Digital promotion and dissemination system aimed at promoting tourism service providers that comply with the terms of the laws and regulations on tourism.

Certification (chapter): “Quality certificate: Chiapas clean contact seal”

Promote the incorporation of good hygiene practices in the management models of micro, small and medium-sized tourism companies, in order to protect the health of their clients, their workers and communities.

Conciliation: Procedure regulated by the Secretary of Tourism, based on the agreement of the parties (P.S.T. vs tourist and / or visitors) that has the purpose of solving conflicts raised in the provision of tourist services in the state of Chiapas, without the need
to reach a trial or administrative procedure, based on the principle of expedites, looking for the satisfaction of the parties and the return to the tourist destination.

Tourism Sectorial PROGRAM 2020-2024.

CULTURA/ Chiapas: Entre montañas vegetación exuberante verdes u otros. |  Maya Turistic | Turismo del Mundo Maya

He noted that among the proposal is ecological tourism, gastronomy, rural tourism, economic development, 5 points that are served, so that visitors have once approved, visitors will have quality service.

He revealed that the Ministry of Tourism has approximately 10 million pesos for the promotion work of Chiapas, since there are restrictions not to speak of specific cases due to the pandemic, but the promotion of Chiapas continues to do so.

Martínez Pedrero made it clear that next week, the economic impact should be reflected in all sectors and not only directly to hoteliers and restaurateurs, since a good influx benefits from sellers in the market, taxi drivers, among others.

“Given the circumstances, we are experiencing and to prevent this from becoming saturated, we would be reaching 60 percent occupancy, which for us is very good because from January to date the hotel occupancy is at 20-25 percent”, added.

Although he made it clear that the economic reactivation due to the pandemic is moving very slowly, he considered that entrepreneurs could recover in December 2021 or in his case in 2022, “we are all crossing our fingers so that there is no surge because we are already experiencing the situations, there were business closings, those that did not close subsisted with a solidarity issue that they had between the owners and employees ”.

Escápate a Chiapas - TONALÁ VIAJES

San Cristobal Post