Summer vacations could bring tourism rebound in Chiapas


Providers of tourist services in the entity state that there is a good expectation of influx for the summer holidays, derived from the fact that Chiapas has remained for several weeks at a green epidemiological traffic light. 

Sismondi Esparza Flores, coordinator of the Tourism Security Table in Chiapas, commented that, although it is true, in the entity there is a complicated social panorama, the decrease in positive cases due to the Covid pandemic, could bring a tourist rebound.

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For this sector, the concern is the issue of road blockades, and social conflicts that are still pending, outside of this there is an interest both from tourists, local, national and international to vacation. 

He recalled that last year the drop in tourism was 50 percent, both in income and in the number of visitors, a situation that can be recovered this year. 

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On July 9, the 2020-2021 school calendar concludes, so more than one million 800 thousand students from Chiapas begin the vacation period, 

 “The taking of highways in San Cristóbal and in other parts of the State, that is the most worrying situation, outside of this issue there is a need and interest of both national and Chiapas tourists to be leaving.”


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