Elvira Trejo Escobar from the Finca San Juan del Vesubio and originally from the municipality of Yajalón, won for the second consecutive time the silver cup, an award granted by Yara Champion Program Coffee.
Yara Champion Program Coffee is the National Cup Quality Contest carried out by a Norwegian company to recognize the efforts of entire Mexican families in the categories: Washed, Natural and Honeys.
Elvira Trejo Escobar, obtained the silver cup in the category of Washes, while the gold cup went to Gustavo Amieva Balmori from Finca La Capilla de Córdoba, Veracruz and the bronze cup for Senén Sampieri Bulbarela from Finca Ohuapan de Tlaltetela, Veracruz.

Elvira, how do you feel after obtaining such important recognition?
I am very happy to be able to obtain this award for the second consecutive time, which is the fruit of the hard work we do at the San Juan del Vesubio farm.
Since when did you dedicate yourself to this activity?
Since more than seven years together with my family dedicated to this activity, this is our fifth harvest on the farm. I tell you that the farm has a lot of history in our family since it was owned by my husband’s great-grandparents, then it passed to the grandparents and later to their parents and now we are cultivating it, that is, we are the fourth generation and fortunately we have obtained awards for the quality of coffee.
What are the challenges you face in producing the aromatic grain?
The truth is that it is becoming more and more difficult to produce coffee, it is a real challenge because we occupy a lot of labor, and above all, we have to look for good marketing channels to obtain the necessary resources to continue with this productive activity.
What type of coffee do you grow on your land?
We grow the Bourbon and Sarchimor varieties, which are the ones we have entered.
How have you managed to continue with this crop, considering that there is no government support?
Well, it is a great challenge, because it requires a lot of investment, since coffee is very vulnerable to pests, so we have to get advice to be able to carry out the fertilization periods, we even have another source of work, which allows us to go combining resources, because many times the money is not enough to pay the workers.
I have always said that coffee can save the world because it promotes the issue of ecology, however, the support of the authorities is null, here the producers need many incentives
How do you consider Chiapas coffee?
Chiapas at the national level ranks first in productivity since high-quality coffee is produced in different areas of the state. At least Yajalón is one of the municipalities that have very good quality coffee, there are several farms or properties that harvest very good coffee, at the level of all specialty coffees.
Elvira, what is next for you, after having obtained this award?
Well, it is a motivation to continue with our activity and continue taking care of our coffee plantations and, above all, look for marketing channels so that they know our product and be able to obtain the resources to increase our productivity.
The award is given by Yara Champion Program Coffee.
Source: elheraldodechiapas.com.mx