Narcos and the Army face off in Jiquipilas, Chiapas


A strong confrontation between civilians, and then against the Army, was reported from last night until early Monday morning in the Municipality of Jiquipilas, located on the border between Chiapas and Oaxaca.

Residents warned that the shooting began at approximately 9:30 p.m. yesterday on the Ocozocuautla-Arriaga road, at the Puente de las Flores, in the Municipality of Jiquipilas, between alleged members of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) against Sinaloa Cartel (CDS).

Subsequently, elements of the Army and National Guard moved to the area and continued shooting until this morning.

In videos from security cameras, as well as from residents, trucks with hooded men carrying long weapons were portrayed traveling the highway in the area.

It was reported that the National Guard installed a checkpoint at the Las Flores Bridge until this morning, which caused traffic on the Jiquipilas to Cintalapa section.

Over the hours, no authority has provided information on the violence in this area, as well as the number of injured or wounded.

However, unofficially it was reported that there are three wounded soldiers, four damaged vehicles (one burned), as well as wounded gunmen.

Likewise, that classes were suspended in Jiquipilas and also in Cintalapa due to the fear that a new shooting could occur in this region.

REFORMA Group reported that The Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) has identified at least six drug transfer routes, mainly cocaine, in this entity, and one of them is right in one of these municipalities adjoining Oaxaca.

On this route, Ciudad Hidalgo, Tapachula, Huixtla, Mapastepec, Pijijiapan, Tonalá, and Arriaga were identified, according to emails hacked by the group called “Guacamaya” to Sedena.

Drug traffickers and soldiers fight after seizure in Chiapas

Violent clashes between cells of the Sinaloa Cartel (CS) and Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) with members of the Army kept the residents of Jiquipilas and Cintalapa, east of Chiapas, in anxiety for 24 hours .

Elements of the National Guard captured 15 heavily armed subjects on the Las Flores bridge, where they were maintaining a blockade, and seized R-15 and UZI rifles.

According to the official report, three federal officers were injured.

Security sources told REFORMA that elements of the CS were looking for Juan Valdovinos, “El Fraile”, a former member who betrayed them and had ordered the execution of Gil Junior, their new leader.

Valdovinos now heads the CJNG in Chiapas.

After the battles between criminals, the military intervened. The last confrontation would have occurred at three in the afternoon yesterday where the arrests took place.

The Sedena has identified this area as one of the six routes used by organized crime to traffic cocaine from the south.

On Saturday the 8th, Sedena intercepted a plane carrying 340 kilos of cocaine from South America.The cargo was for the Valdovinos group that disputes the transfer area with the CS.

San Cristobal Post