Video: Mayor gets mad against residents and calls them “pendejos”


Mayor Mariano Díaz did not stop saying profanity before the claims of the residents

TUXTLA GUTIÉRREZ.- Annoyed by residents of the La Candelaria neighborhood for an unfinished work, Mariano Díaz Ochoa, mayor of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, called those who confronted him “Pendejos” and even warned them that he would suspend the work if they continued with their complaints.

This is the original text in Spanish, we will try to translate it as best as possible:

“(Que) no se hagan pendejadas, si yo hubiera sabido suspendo la obra, son pendejadas; y aparte los de arriba y aparte los de abajo; somos ciudadanos todos, ¡no chinguen, cabrones, puta madre!, ¡y lo suspendo, si se ponen pendejos, lo suspendo!”

“(That) don’t be an asshole, if I had known I’d suspend the work, this is bullshit; and those above and those below; We are all citizens, don’t fuck around, you bastards, fucking motherfucker! And I’ll suspend it, if you get stupid, I’ll suspend it!”, he told them at a meeting held at the site where these actions are carried out.

In a video circulating on social networks, another official intervened and, in a calmer way, explain to the dissatisfied people the details of the delay in the work.

Immediately, the municipal president himself intervenes again: “And it was not in the budget!” he yelled.  Likewise, the public servant who accompanies him insists that they have already spoken with the contractor and thus continue the work for the benefit of all.

Although he tried to explain them in a better way, once again Mariano Díaz argued: “I can’t shit up or down, if we all shit at the same point, motherfucker, it´s bullshit… If I had known about this bullshit, I wouldn’t do the construction site; If I had known about these problems, I wouldn’t do it, and I told the director of Public Works, fuck it!”

One of the residents explained more situations to the mayor, who did not stop saying rude things.

Source: La Silla Rota