Former manager of the popular saving funds, San Juan Bosco in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, arrives to vandalize with his son


Yesterday, Thursday, February 2, the former manager of the “Caja Popular” San Juan Bosco José Antonio who is accused in the State Prosecutor’s Office for a fraud for 54 million pesos, his son Eduardo and Hugo Chambe, a supplier that through suspicious contracts have allegedly made profits of more than 42 million pesos in the last 9 years, this morning led a violent crash group to enter the facilities of the San Juan Bosco Popular Fund Corporation in the María Auxiliadora neighborhood, in San Cristóbal de las Casas.

This was denounced by the President of the Board of Directors, the teacher Rosa López Moreno and the President of the Supervisory Board Rodolfo Martínez Urbina, who condemned these acts of violence carried out by this group of hooded men who carried machetes, stones and sticks.

They indicated that they entered violently and attacked the security and surveillance personnel and that they intimidated the workers and forced them to sign a series of documents under the threat of physically assaulting. At least two administrative employees fainted from the panic caused by this aggressive intrusion.

The directors of the Caja Juan Bosco pointed out that former employees of the Popular Fund also participate in this act of violence, among them Hugo “N”, who for 16 years was an information technology manager, where various irregularities have been detected.

Faced with these violent acts, formal complaints will be filed with the Chiapas State Attorney General’s Office and a call is made to the Secretary of Public Security to guarantee order and the physical integrity of the employees and managers of the Popular Fund.

The board of directors called on the workers not to resist or fall into acts of provocation and to retire to their homes to protect themselves from this barbaric act that is further evidence of the excessive ambition of who are no longer part of the Popular Fund.

In this regard, they will present criminal complaints that correspond to criminal behavior, while outside the property there are personnel from the San Cristóbal municipal police to avoid more violence.

Source: Prensa libre de Chiapas