Prior to the party of Señor Justo Juez, they will tour the image through the streets of San Cristóbal


The restored image of Mr. Justo Juez will be touring the streets of San Cristóbal de las Casas on March 5, according to the Chaplaincy of the Temple of La Merced, dependent on the Diocese of San Cristóbal de Las Casas.

The tour will begin at the Temple of La Merced at 10 in the morning and the image will return at 12 noon, where the parish priest of this church will offer a mass in honor of the image.

The image has been restored after several days and the purpose of the tour is to announce his party that he will be celebrating on April 3. Dozens of parishioners from San Cristóbal and from various municipalities in the highlands and border region of Chiapas will accompany Mr. Justo Juez on his journey.

The parishioners have shown great devotion to the image of Mr. Justo Juez, to whom they attribute several miracles and healings. They ask all the faithful to come on March 5 with flowers, and candles to venerate the image and thank for the favors received.

The image of Justo Juez has been a symbol of faith and devotion in San Cristóbal de las Casas for many years, and is considered by many to be a protector and spiritual guide. The restoration of the image has been received with great joy by the faithful, who eagerly await the tour of Mr. Justo Juez through the streets of the city.

Source: El Heraldo de Chiapas